Bericht: exc. proportions, good prop. head, strong muscle, good dark eyes, exc. neck and topline, in of body for each, good bone and angulation, excellen color pigment, move freely, good character.
Bericht: Exc. typ, strong hit with square muscle, exc. eyes, good length of neck, strong line, exc. Winkelung, good springer rips, moves with good drives, good character.
Bericht: Gute Größe, ?, gute Ohren, good neck and topline, well develop front, strong bone, gute weisse Abzeichen, moves with good drive, good character
Bericht: gute Substanz von Körper und Knochen, exc. bite, ?, back must be more, gute Winkelung, exc. front, moves narrow, braucht mehr Attitude in der Bewegung, guter Charakter.
Anwartschaft: VDH/Klub-Jgd Ch-A, bester Jugendhund, BOB
Bericht: Exc. typ and propotions, exc. head, proud attidude, strong muzzle, exc. neck and topline, good front, exc. angulation, good coat, moves freely, good character.